Archives des avis de décès

Réjean Cournoyer

Réjean Cournoyer


 À Ste-Edwidge de Clifton, le 10 juillet 2012, est décédé M. Réjean Cournoyer à l'âge de 55 ans. Il était le fils de feu Adrien Cournoyer et de Simonne Dumoulin et demeurait à Ste-Edwidge.

La famille accueillera les parents et amis au salon Charron mardi le 17 juillet de 9 heures jusqu'au départ du salon à 10 h 30. Les funérailles seront célébrées mardi le 17 juillet à 11 heures, à l'église de Ste-Edwidge suivra l'inhumation au cimetière du même nom.

M. Cournoyer laisse dans le deuil son fils Patrick. Sa mère Simonne Dumoulin (feu Adrien Cournoyer). Son frère Richard (Liette Lamontagne) et sa soeur Cécile (Michel). Il était aussi le frère de feu Maurice. Ses neveux et nièces: Nathalie (Luc), Caroline (Yans); Vincent, Maggy, Kévin, François (Mélissa) ainsi que plusieurs autres parents et amis.

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22/02/2013 10:51
Une gaffe e0 la phrase sutavnie : de8s la fin des ane9nes 1950 Dommage qu\'il ne soit pas sous-titre9e, j\'ai du mal e0 comprendre certaines phrases.
06/01/2013 17:21
I am so sorry that you lost her, but so glad that you were able to say what you felt while you still had the time. Speaking of which . have I told you how much I love YOU lately?
22/11/2012 15:46
1) I work as a programmer doing moltsy contract work. I have actually been contacted more by people looking for better pricing than they are currently getting. Some have unrealistic expectations about the prices they are going to get but despite the economy, people still need to get things done. This is sort of a mixed bag for me at the moment. Do I discount the work to get my foot in the door?2) I think the troubles of a team like Nashville are over shadowing some of the other teams troubles. I think their problems could be solved to a degree by putting a winner on the ice for a couple of years. 13K is not a horrible number, how high would it jump if they were a contender? 3) They left out the part about the ACME anvil and the canyon. IMO, that is another example of the differences between hockey players and other athletes. Do you think an athlete from another sport would have done that?4) Good question. That was an aspect of the signing I hadn\'t considered. I will go on record and say that Luongo will offer him the C, but Sundin will decline. I am still undecided about whether he SHOULD be the captain though. A one year deal automatically flags rent a player in my mind.5) I think this whole thing is a bit over hyped. Last year, all the elements (literally) fell into place to make the perfect event. I don\'t need to see reporters on ice skates, regardless of whether they know how or not. Let them stand on the sidelines and have the players come to them. I will say that the television spots for the game have been very well done. Despite seeing that \"Take Me Out to the Ballgame\" commercial repeatedly, it has not started to wear on me yet.6) Obviously not from Michigan, but if it were the Flyers plus Penn State in a bowl game I would be tuned to the hockey. The only condition to that would be if they were in the BCS Championship game. I would probably do some flipping to keep track of the score in that circumstance. The rest of the bowl games are just games.BTW) I expect a special jersey for the game, in a throwback theme.7) That\'s a load of crap. Self-important bureaucrats have noting more serious than that to concern themselves with? If it was a commercial logo, I would feel differently. Undoubtedly the Nike or RBK logo will be on every sweater from every country, why not allow a country to wear the logo that represents their country\'s team? Thumbs up to the Boston Bruins. Thumbs down to the ownership in Tampa.9) I still think the Penguins fans are leading in that race for a second consecutive year although I think they were knocked down a peg by the Stanley Cup finals loss. Yes, the Bruins fan base has grown here and they are still growing but I still see them being dwarfed by the Penguins fans at this point. I could see that changing as the end draws near if they continue to play like they have. EDIT: The expiration date stamped on Joe Paterno is long past expired. He has apparently made some a deal with the devil. I was blown away that they extended him through 2011. I really believe they want him to go but don\'t have the heart to fire a living legend. I cannot blame them really, he has been the face of that school since before either of us was born. 42 years with one school and he is still in single digits in the number of years he has NOT gotten to a bowl game.With the way the BCS works now, I kind of look at the Rose Bowl as the equivalent of having the two 3rd place teams in the NHL getting together to play an exhibition series after they get eliminated. I am not the biggest football fan in the world but I would rather watch something that actually counts for something. Maybe I take them for granted a little bit at this point since Penn State is there almost every year anyway.References :
21/09/2012 7:00
Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for shranig!